Orlin Pavlov and Mihaela Fileva with a first duet for the movie "Return" - Balkanika

Orlin Pavlov and Mihaela Fileva with a first duet for the movie “Return”

Written by on 25.09.2019

Orlin Pavlov and Mihaela Fileva with a first duet for the movie “Return”


The official single for Niki Iliev’s new movie “Zavrashtane”/”Return” has the same name and is performed by the magnificent Orlin Pavlov and Mihaela Fileva, who for the first time record a duet together. The music and lyrics of the song are by Vladimir Ampov – Grafa, and the arrangement is by Borislav Boyadzhiev – Borche.

The song is a return to the beloved sound of the 90s, and the final mastering is done in the USA.

Orlin and Mihaela work together for the first time. Both performers shared that they are extremely happy to have the opportunity to be part of the project of the producers of the movie Silver Light Pictures – Bashar Rahal, Niki Iliev and Bogomil Grozev, which will be on the theatres in Bulgaria  on October 18 .

The video of the song includes footage from the movie that viewers will see for the first time. Another part of the footage was shot especifically in one of the most romantic and beautiful parts of Plovdiv – Kapana, as well as during the first floating concert in Bulgaria, which Orlin Pavlov himself made at the Rowing Base in the city at the end of last month. The video is directed by Nikolay Draganov and DOP is Boril Petrov.


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