Smiley and his declaration of love - Balkanika

Smiley and his declaration of love

Written by on 09.10.2019

Smiley and his declaration of love


“My Love” is a declaration of love for life, an invitation for reminding the moments that connect two people”, said Smiley. It is a song that he wrote in the United States with composers who made music for Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Enrique Iglesias, Jessie J andFrench Montana.

“I want those who listen to the song to feel good, to take their dance partner and to enjoy the moment or, if they are alone, to remember their loved one.”, added Smiley. The single is in totally different musical style, like a mix of reggae, dancehall and pop.

The video was filmed in America by Edward Aninaru, at Salvation Mountain in the California Desert, a building full of symbols, dedicated to faith and love. Although it is a place open to visitors and those who want to meditate, the filmings at Salvation Mountain are made only on the basis of an approval and compatibility between the artist and his work and the values ​​that the space represents. After studying their activity and music, Salvation Mountain fans noticed the potential of the song and gladly welcomed Smiley and his film crew.

“The shootings lasted a whole day and I can say that it was the hottest of my whole life, I think it was around 50 degrees. In the desert, without a bit of shade and under the strong sun, but I resisted and a good video came out.”, said Smiley.

“My Love” is part of a series of positive English songs that Smiley has set out to launch in the near future, with which he hopes to reach the playlists of as many people around the world.


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