Eni Jurisic and Matija Cvek joined forces for a powerful ballad - Balkanika

Eni Jurisic and Matija Cvek joined forces for a powerful ballad

Written by on 25.01.2022

Eni Jurisic and Matija Cvek joined forces for a powerful ballad

Two of the most promising young performers of the Croatian music scene – Eni Jurisic and Matija Cvek have joined forces and present a powerful ballad – “Trebas li me”.

The author of the lyrics and music is Matija Cvek, and the team was joined in the role of producer by another big and promising musical name – Z ++. The collaboration between Eni and Matija is not surprising because they are also privately friends, so it was only a matter of time before their friendship would grow into a business collaboration.

“For a start, Cvek is a great character and we hang out all the time, so this was one of the most relaxed collaborations ever. We recorded the first demo a year ago and after that everything somehow it came spontaneously. In fact, a lot of interesting things happened along the way and I can’t believe we’re already counting time for the premiere.”, revealed Eni.

“Personally, I think Eni is one of our best vocals and I wish her as many songs as possible in which she will show her huge talent. We are good friends and we spend most of our time dedicated to the songs and a lot of laughter.”, added Cvek.

The production for the song was done by Z ++, which meant a step in a slightly different direction for both musicians.

“Even in the beginning we knew that we were going to a more modern sound, and the song sounded so strong in the demo version that we wanted to change it minimally, which Z ++ actually did expertly. This is not an experiment but a step out from the comfort zone. “I must admit that I was most impressed by how unpredictable the development of the song really is!”, Eni said and Matija agreed with her:

“I really appreciate the work and effort Z ++ has put into their songs that sound great and fresh. We were thinking about flirting with such a more modern sound in a minimalist arrangement that could work well with a singing melody and impressive lyrics. In the end, Z guessed the exact mood from the very beginning and he brought amazing ideas and nailed the arrangement.”

The video was made by a trio from Zagreb – Benjamin Strike, Luka Vidovic and Sandro Sklepic. “The guys are mega talented and the colors of the video are unreal. I can’t explain the vibe we wanted to get, you’ll feel it if when you watch the video” – said Eni, and Matija Cvek is equally impressed by the cooperation:

“The idea and realization of the great Benjamin Strike who felt the song, hit the mood and left a phenomenal impression since this is our first collaboration. I hope not the last.”

Both Eni and Matija are waiting for a busy and working spring and summer after the release of the single.

“This song is followed by a solo single and a very interesting cover that I’ve been thinking about for a while. I hope that a period of healthier days and many concerts will finally come.”, said Eni.

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