TOTO H puts on a mask again - Balkanika

TOTO H puts on a mask again

Written by on 28.01.2022

TOTO H puts on a mask again

With a mask like The Phantom of the Opera, one of the most listened Bulgarian performers, TOTO H jumps into a new solo single “Partizanka”.

And this time half of the duo SkandaU walks on the heart string of the listeners. The text, which is traditionally done by TOTO H himself, stumbles into open wounds of confused love relationships.

The video, directed by Bashmotion, is no less “comlicated”. Literally. In it TOTO H changes the image and puts on a stylish suit, half of his face is covered with a mask, but not of the Stone from “The Masked Singer”, but of the Phantom of the Opera, and his will is subordinated to the beautiful “partisan” Ivomila Petkova the most successful Bulgarian influencers and winner of the InstaQueen title). Their life is a theater and they play it on a real stage (the video was shot at the Iskar Cultural Center, Sofia). And the props ?! Ropes, heavy velvet curtains, beautiful chandeliers and … forced love.

With “Partizanka” TOTO H continues to reveal his other artistic face – a precise translator of the human soul. His distinctive writing style and distinctive vocals established him as an extremely successful solo artist, after an army of fans had already declared his band SkandaU “gods”. Each individual TOTO H project is an undisputed success. His songs gather millions of listeners on digital platforms in hundreds of days. “Chuzhdi uspivki”, “Tsiganska svatba”, “samo ako byah” (feat. Marianoff), “Izkushenie” (with Slavi Trifonov and Ku-Ku Band) are just some of the titles of these solo performances of TOTO H, which topped all charts and sounded from every club.

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Главна цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019 г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.


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Начало: 08.12.2021 г.

Край: 08.03.2022 г.