An incredible Balkan show in Sofia at the concert of Dino Merlin and Željko Joksimović - Balkanika

An incredible Balkan show in Sofia at the concert of Dino Merlin and Željko Joksimović

Written by on 04.12.2024

An incredible Balkan show in Sofia at the concert of Dino Merlin and Željko Joksimović

On December 3, 2024, Sofia hosted one of the most exciting musical events of the year – the concert of Balkan legends Dino Merlin and Željko Joksimović.

Arena 8888 Hall became an epicenter of emotion and musical greatness, attracting over 12,000 people from Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The concert began with the performance of the musicians and artists of C’est La Vie Live Band & Show. An impressive program with many familiar and beloved musical performances raised the mood of the audience in the hall.

Under the stormy applause of the audience, the master of ballads – Željko Joksimović, was the first to take the stage. With the very first performance of “Ljubavi”, the singer conquered the hearts of fans and proved that his music is capable of touching the souls of thousands. Songs filled with a lot of class and deep emotion, Joksimovic more than once brought tears to the eyes of the audience. The entire hall sang the beloved song with a 20th anniversary “Lane moje”. Among the guests in the hall were also his relatives, who supported him with many ovations.

After the performances of Željko Joksimovic, the stage was taken over by another legend of Balkan music – Dino Merlin. After 35 years since his last appearance in Sofia, the performer included our capital in his tour, marking the event with an exceptional presence on stage and unique contact with the audience. Dino Merlin took the stage with the emotional performance of “Da Šutiš” and enchanted everyone present in the hall, making them sing along with him the hits from his rich career for nearly 2 hours. The legendary song “Jorgovani”, loved by generations, turned the hall into a single choir, with all those present singing together with inimitable emotion. Dino Merlin sent a strong message to his fans: “Follow your dreams, believe in the good and be happy.”

One of the most unforgettable moments of the evening was the performance of the legendary song “Supermen” by the two artists Dino Merlin and Željko Joksimović. The entire hall sang in unison, creating a moment that will forever remain in the hearts of those present.
For more than five hours, the concert offered an unforgettable experience – from exciting scenography and impressive visual effects to impeccable performances. Colorful confetti, a light show and powerful music turned the event into a true celebration of Balkan culture and the unifying power of music. Special guests in the hall, who came to enjoy the performances of the two legendary artists, were famous native musical greats, known to the audience from the screens of Balkanika Music television.

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Главна цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019 г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.


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