Iva and Velislava Kostadinovi praise the beauty and strength of the Bulgarian woman - Balkanika

Iva and Velislava Kostadinovi praise the beauty and strength of the Bulgarian woman

Written by on 10.10.2024

Iva and Velislava Kostadinovi praise the beauty and strength of the Bulgarian woman

The new music project of Iva and Velislava Kostadinovi – “Moma Balgarka”  was presented with a simultaneous premiere on the four national music television channels – Fan Folk TV, Fan TV, Balkanika Music Television and BG Music Channel.

The song has music and lyrics by Iva Kostadinova, who for the first time created her own composition. She is inspired by the desire to show the beauty and strength of the Bulgarian woman.

“This is my first realized author’s song with my own music and lyrics. I wrote it on the evening of November 26, 2022. The lyrics and melody just flowed together. I saved it in my phone so I know the date. After the first couplet, I thought about what I would like to say about the proud Bulgarian woman – the one who carries the traditions in her heart; the one that exudes femininity and strength. I decided to start with the vision, go through what you carry inside yourself – love (in our case for the folklore song) and end how, when everything comes from the heart, you influence the people around you.

The arrangement is by Svetlin Kuslev, with whom we are already a tandem in the real life. After I shared my idea with him, we started working on the song. I am very grateful to him for his inspiration and support, his faith in me, in my mission… The bagpipe was played by the incredible Hristo Hristov, and we again entrusted the kavala to Georgi Dobrev, with whom we have the honor to work once again.

The summer of 2022, 2023 and 2024 showed that folklore occupies a significant place in the heart of Bulgarians. We saw many beautiful young people proudly spreading it with love. This is the inspiration! The mission is successful! That’s why there is “Moma Balgarka” today“, Iva Kostadinova shared excitedly.

“I won’t surprise anyone when I say that the song “Bulgarian girl” is very special, because it is the first author’s song with music and lyrics by my sister Iva. I remember how excited she was to share that she already had a tune in her head and before long she had a demo of the song. When I heard the record I sat and played it over and over. I was fascinated, speechless happy and excited by what I was hearing. For me, Iva is a person who has many qualities, and here he once again proved it with the realization of this song. When it came time for her recording… It was the most exciting, responsible and emotional moment! This song expresses the beauty, sings that light that should shine in every soul, tells about the love for the homeland and the mission to preserve our folklore,” said Velislava Kostadinova.

The director of the video for “Moma Balgarka is Stefan Marinov – Buddubbaz Tape Company, who creates a very impressive concept. The girls are extremely grateful for his dedication and diligence with which he embarked on the work on the project. DOP is Reezy Rane.

The video shows Bulgarian women of different ages. Iva and Velislava Kostadinovi mainly focus on personalities related to folklore, but there are also other different characters – people who are important to them in real life.

Thank you to everyone who took part – the girls from “Masters of Dance”, Guna Ivanova, Margarita Hranova, Galya Dimitrova – the girl in a military uniform, part of a National Guard unit, the pre-school children – Alex, goddaughter of Iva and Sofia, niece of Svetlin Kuslev, Lidia, Tatyana Duparinova, who is part of the “Angels” choir and together with them glorifies Bulgaria on international stages, Vesela and Valeria Stefanovi, who are a symbol of continuity both in the music video and in life, presenting folklore through dance art ! We also thank the ladies from Pernik, who immediately responded to our invitation!“, said the two singers.

A surprise in this video is the styling of Iva and Velislava Kostadinovi, entrusted to a professional they admire – Antonia Yordanova. The girls are working with her for the first time, but they will certainly have future projects together.

You can watch the video “Moma Balgarka” by Iva and Velislava Kostadinova on Fan Folk TV, Fan TV, Balkanika Music Television and BG Music Channel, as well as on the official YouTube channel of the artists.

Photos: Chris Rusev

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