TWO become three with Sandra N. - Balkanika

TWO become three with Sandra N.

Written by on 05.11.2018

TWO become three with Sandra N.

Mihai Gruia and Sorin Brotnei ex-members of Akcent band founded in 2014 TWO band. After many released singles, the successful presenting of the song “Angel” on the Grammy Awards performed with along with Kaya Jones, former member of  The Pussycat Dolls and after many concerts especially outside the country, TWO decided to collaborate with the beautiful Sandra N. known for her collaboration “I’m Sorry” with Akcent, but also for hits like “Ma Dor Ochii”, “Ma Dor”, “Boracay”, “Amor Gitana” and others.

The first joint song that TWO and Sandra N. released is called “Jolie”. The song is composed by Dorian Oswin, Sandra N. and Mihai Gruia. The video was shot in Bucharest by Cristian Pistol.

“I know Sandra since the first day he came to our studio to record “I’m Sorry”.  Even if many years have passed since then and if our roads have been separated, I have always felt that we would be working together again with Sandra! I appreciate her enormously – she is a wonderful woman, a talented composer and her voice is sensational. I have been her fan since I met her and I am glad that she is now part of our family.”,  said Mihai Gruia.

“”Jolie” is the first song I recorded after I gave a birth to my child and I sang it with great passion, after this long break. TWO & Sandra N. is a project especially for fans outside our country borders who demand songs in this style. So we feel obliged to make music for them who love us so much and invite us for concerts in their areas.”,  Sandra N. said.

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