Irina Rimes
Irina Rimes’ sensitivity is well known to the general public, but that doesn’t stop her from showing it to us again and again. This time he also enchanted Grasu XXL to put his armor aside and write the deep lyrics of the song “Pentru totdeаuna”. The song is launched with an emotional video that equals […]
Irina Rimes returns to the beginning and launches a special song, “N-avem Timp”, accompanied by a video typical for her. In the last year, the artist has reflected intensely on the notion of time and analyzed the way people perceive it in the context of various moods. Thus was born her new single, produced together […]
Irina Rimes surprises the public with a fiery appearance and a song different from the style she spoilt her fans with. The artist is releasing Your Love, in collaboration with the American artist Cris Cab, a bold song, through which she has completely left her comfort zone, but which fits her perfectly. Irina continues to […]
The three Romanian artists Puya, Andra and Guz released a joint single “Dorul”. They collaborate for the first time and the song is quite interesting combining different music styles. The music is done by Mahia Bledo, Guz, Irina Rimes and Giulie. The lyrics are written by Puya, Irina Rimes, Guz and Giulie. The video shows […]
The Turkish DJ and producer Mahmut Orhan and the Romanian singer Irina Rimes gathered together again for a new project. Earlier this year they released their joint song “Schhh”, which became a smash hit. Now they are ready with a new single entitled “Hero”. Their previous video was animated but in the new one both […]
After the collaborations with Descemer Bueno, Enrique Iglesias and El Micha for the English version of “Nos Fuimos Lejos”, Andra returns with a brand new song in Romanian – “Supereroi”. The music of the song is done by the team Irina Rimes, Vlad Lucan and Alex Cotoi, while the lyrics are written by Irina […]
Irina Rimes and The Motans explore the inexhaustible theme of love in a new song titled “Cel Mai Bun DJ”. The new song is composed by Irina Rimes and The Motans, on the production side by Alex Cotoi. The video is made by NGM Creative and Loops Production. Before this collaboration with Irina, The Motans […]