Nelly Petkova with a debut as a director in "Ne Iskam" - Balkanika

Nelly Petkova with a debut as a director in “Ne Iskam”

Written by on 02.04.2021

Nelly Petkova with a debut as a director in “Ne Iskam”

Nelly Petkova made her debut as a director in the video for her new song ” Ne Iskam “. It was filmed among the picturesque landscapes of Vrana Park and on the outskirts of Sofia.

“Ne Iskam” is a ballad-confession, which tells about the storm of emotions that strikes a person, remaining alone with himself, after the end of a love experience.

“The song recreates the inner dialogue in those most difficult moments when we want to express our pain and scream, but we choose to remain silent and seek strength to move forward.”, Nelly said.

The authors of the lyrics are Lora Dimitrova and Yordan Botev, and the music is by Nelly Petkova and Deyan Asenov.

This project is with the special participation of Kristian Iliev, whose work is the captivating piano performance and the arrangement of the song.

“Ne Iskam ” is the 11th single from Nelly Petkova’s album, which will be released this spring.

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