Krisko and TITA in a collaboration - Balkanika

Krisko and TITA in a collaboration

Written by on 12.09.2018

Krisko and TITA in a collaboration


“Iskam da bada s teb” is the new collaboration of Krisko and TITA, which was announced by the artists 10 days ago.

The music of the song is by Dexter. The arrangement is done by Krisko. The lyrics are by Misho Shamara and Krisko.

“I present you “Iskam da bada s teb”! Thanks to Misho Shamara, who gave me the copyrights of his song from 2001. I grew up in the years when this song was gathering all all the feelings of a boy and a girl. Now I present you the song in my way. Enjoy the song and the vieo!”, stated Krisko in his Instagram profile.

Director of the video is Kiril Kirov – Kiko.


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