Holy Molly sings about twisted relationships - Balkanika

Holy Molly sings about twisted relationships

Written by on 06.02.2021

Holy Molly sings about twisted relationships

Holy Molly is an extremely sensual artist, with a voice whose depth remains imprinted in the mind. After her first four singles had millions of views on YouTube and were heard in countries such as Germany, Poland, Russia and Romania, Molly presents a new song, with a strong message and a sound that represents her perfectly, “Twinkle Twinkle”.

The song was composed by Marius Dia, Holy Molly and Alex Parker, written by Marius Dia and Holy Molly. The production was signed by Alex Parker and Marius Dia.

The artist is singing about her twisted relationships with boys. Inspired by the horror movies with dolls, with a touch of creepiness in the sound and lyrics, the story follows Molly in a new chapter, stuck in a relationship with the wrong person.

 “I worked with amazing people for this project and I’m so happy they understand my vibe and manage to create something real from my crazy ideas. It was quite a challenge to use dangerous objects such as knives and bats for the first time, but it also made the experience of shooting much more fun.”, said Holy Molly.

Her partner in the video was the Romanian actor Paul Diaconescu. Despite the less friendly shots between them, the two had an extraordinary chemistry and worked really well together.

“Holy Molly is a unique artist, who fully deserves to be listened to. I am happy that I had the chance to meet her and I would like to thank her for choosing me to be her partner in the video for “Twinkle Twinkle”. We worked with professionals and we had an extremely talented, beautiful and funny team. I loved listening to the song for about 15 times during the shootings and I was tainted by its style and the vibe it gives. I hope the song will be heard everywhere and for us to be healthy and enthusiastic, as Molly’s music is.”, Paul Diaconescu stated.

The music video was directed by Raluca Netca and edited by Alex Chitu, Alexandru Muresan was director of photography, and the production belongs to Loops Production.

Molly sees her music as a catalyst for empowerment and healing, as a way of connecting with her fans and communicating very private emotions. “Twinkle Twinkle” is a hymn for every woman who has been through emotional distress at one point in her life and who is strong enough to live her life by her own rules.

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Главна цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019 г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.


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Начало: 08.12.2021 г.

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