Balkanika Music Television with an award from the MEDIA Awards 2021 - Balkanika

Balkanika Music Television with an award from the MEDIA Awards 2021

Written by on 01.06.2021

Balkanika Music Television with an award from the MEDIA Awards 2021

Balkanika Music Television received a special award “Television Unifier of the Balkans” at the MEDIA Awards 2021 ceremony.

Traditionally, the prizes are held on the birthday of the organizer – VIP Communications Public Communications Agency. They celebrated their 15th anniversary and awarded the most distinguished media and journalists.

Viktor Kasamov – owner of Balkanika Music Television

Special guests of the event were the poet-patron and host of Anel Gallery – Angel Simeonov, Assoc. Prof. Atanas Mangarov, the legendary journalist Margarita Mihneva, the General Secretary of Lions Club Goryan Milev, the Parliamentary Adviser on European projects Tanya Kitik, Plamen Topuzov, designers  Iska Stefanova and Gergana Apostolova. The stars of the evening were the legends of Bulgarian pop music Gina Ivanova from Tramvay 5 band, Ivan Ivanov from Kukeri band, Kristina Dimitrova, Diana Dafova and the young hopes of the Bulgarian music Martina Ivanova and Tsveti Radoycheva.

Among the awarded journalists and media were Mira Dobreva, Nedelya Shtonova, Viktor Kasamov and Balkanika Music Television, Gergana Naidenova, Gergana Marinova, Svetoslava Rudolf, Maria Damyanova, Diana Radeva, Elisaveta Sachanska, Grigori Nedyalkov, Georgi Krumov, Vasko Mavrikov and Agent Tenev and others.

The honorary award for his father was given to 9-year-old Boyan Tsvetkov, the son of TV presenter Milen Tsvetkov, who died in a tragic accident a year ago. Honorary award for another titan of Bulgarian journalism – Georgi Koritarov, two months after his death.

The charity of the ceremony supports a new kindergarten near the capital of North  Macedonia – Skopje, which is being built with donations. Swings and slides for the yard of the kindergarten will be purchased.

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Главна цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019 г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.


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