Sore + Smiley = Jumatate - Balkanika

Sore + Smiley = Jumatate

Written by on 13.02.2019

Sore + Smiley = Jumatate

The Romanian stars Sore and Smiley collaborated for the song “Jumatate”. It is not the first joint project of the two artists but for sure has the potential to be their masterpiece.

The music is done by Smiley, Sore, Serban Cazan, Florin Boka and Vizi Imre. The lyrics are written by both artists together with Dorian Micu. “We were waiting for the right time to present this song. So, this one as far as it concerns the music is half me, half Smiley.”, explained Sore.

“I have always thought that pleasures and sins should be part of the relationship. I mean that it is a key to save the relationship alive, you need to play, tease from time to time and rediscover the love.”, said Sore.

The video is extremely impressive. It is based on the optical illusion and the graphic post-production is really cool. The videoproduction is done by NGM Creative.

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Главна цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019 г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.


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