Sergej Cetkovic with another amazing ballad - Balkanika

Sergej Cetkovic with another amazing ballad

Written by on 19.03.2019

Sergej Cetkovic with another amazing ballad


The Montenegrin king of ballads Sergej Cetkovic presented his new song title “Ljubav”.

As always the music and the lyrics are written by the artist himself.

“This song represents something really special in my career. Ballades always inspire me the most, but the songs that provoke such a strong emotion in me, that move you completely every time you listen to it, they do not appear so often. This is exactly what this song is. Beautiful, sincere, deeply touching that is impossible to describe it with words. For this reason, I wanted to rinse a completely unexpected, very symbolic and touching video that, I am sure, will send a very important message.”, said Sergej Cetkovic.

The video was filmed in a luxury complex in Tivat. Director of the video Dusan Ivanovic.


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Главна цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019 г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.


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Край: 08.03.2022 г.