INNA released the first single from her Spanish album - Balkanika

INNA released the first single from her Spanish album

Written by on 30.11.2018

INNA released the first single from her Spanish album


INNA presented her new video “Iguana”. The song is included in her first Spanish album “YO”, written entirely by herself.

“Iguana” is a story of survival, an eclectic mix of sounds that create an exotic, fresh piece of music. A new sound, an intense chapter that will reveal all sides of INNA that you wouldn’t expect to discover: crazy, with no boundaries, no limits, all for the love of music. Pure joy and connection to her soul.

“‘Iguana’ is an empowerment song, as well as ‘RA’ with a positive message about a girl who is drunk in love, who suffers, is jealous, but who manages to surpass the despair and moves on “to dance without him”, said INNA.

The video for “Iguana” was directed and shot by NGM Creative team (Bogdan Paun – director and Alexandru Muresan – DoP), video production by Loops Production.


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