PAPI HANS - Balkanika



Konstantin Trendafilov is popular with his pseudonym Papi Hans.

He is a creative director of one of the largest advertising agencies in Bulgaria and a poet and writer who has two books behind him. “Who do you think of when you think of someone?” Quickly became the best-selling collection of poems for 2016. His first novel, Close Your Heart, was published in March 2017 and was a bestseller according to the charts of the largest bookstore chains. He has won a number of Bulgarian and international advertising awards.

Papi Hans has always loved music along with writing and decided to try his talent in this field as well. He stirred the spirits with the appearance of his debut song “Cake”. It is followed by “super naughty”. So in less than a year he managed to win the hearts of teenagers and become one of the biggest music stars.

The singles “Yours”, “Mama said”, “Enough”, “You are chasing” (in a duet with Tita), as well as “Close”, a joint project with Azis.

Current track



Проект: Проект № BG16RFOP002-2.089-6131 по Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“ 2014-2020, процедура BG16RFOP002-2.089 „Подкрепа за малки предприятия с оборот над 500 000 лв. за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19“.

Главна цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019 г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.


Обща стойност: 50 000 лева от които 42 500 лева европейско и 7 500 лева национално съфинансиране

Начало: 08.12.2021 г.

Край: 08.03.2022 г.