Amel Curic and no one else - Balkanika

Amel Curic and no one else

Written by on 11.02.2019

Amel Curic and no one else


The Croatian singer Amel Curic has been working hard for his a new song and a video “Niko”. But finally they are fact!

The song caused a dispute even before it was released. It was promoted with a special campaign in the social networks. Amel Curic’s colleagues and friends from public life published stories on Instagram, in which they said “Amel Curic, niko” (“niko” means no one)- without any explanation or announcement of exactly what is happening. The campaign was supported by his colleagues from Croatia: Nives Celzijus, Matko Knesaurek and Katarina Baban; by the athletes Mirza Teletovic, Jusuf Nurkic, Dzanan Musa, Damir Dzumhur, Amel Tuka, Asmir Begović and Emir Spahic, as well as other Amel’s colleagues such as Ilma Karahmet, Aleksandar Radojicic, Mirza Selimovic, Dzejla Ramovic, Ana Bavrka. The people have been wondering what is the motive of all these announcements – if there is any conflict or something is wrong. But Amel Curic didn’t explain what was happening.

Now when the song is released the fans are absolutely sure that it is one of the best projects of the artist. The music of the song is done by Amil Lojo and Armin Sakovic, while the lyrics are written by Armin Sakovic.

The video was shot in Zagreb and also in the suburbs of Slunj and Zadar, and also some locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main character in the video is the top model Aleksandra Stojakovic, who is known from the commercials with some big stars including the football player Ronaldinho. Director of the video is Dario Radusin.


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Главна цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019 г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.


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Начало: 08.12.2021 г.

Край: 08.03.2022 г.