Tyzee becomes a Colombian gangster - Balkanika

Tyzee becomes a Colombian gangster

Written by on 11.10.2018

Tyzee becomes a Colombian gangster


Tyzee doesn’t stop with the surprises and his last challenge is his brand new single “Pablo”.

For this project Tyzee works with Aleksandar Fajza, who is with Serbian origin, but was born and is still living in Sweden. He wrote the music and the lyrics of the song.

The video looks more like a Hollywood movie. You have the feeling that you really are in a Colombian cartel. There are also airplanes and abandoned airports, lots of retro cars and weapon. There are many  extras and of course, beautiful girls.

Tyzee himself embodies in the role of a real gangster and drug baron. The styling fits perfect in every detail.

Director of the video is Daniel Joveski.




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