Spejko turns а new page in his career - Balkanika

Spejko turns а new page in his career

Written by on 01.12.2020

Spejko turns а new page in his career

The Macedonian Spejko declared that he starts his solo music career with the single “Caliente”. Actually is not his first song but the other ones were collaborations respectively with Rasta and Tyzee.

Spejko is an influencer, model and sports director of the basketball team of Kumanovo. He is also the winner of the Serbian edition of the reality show “Big Brother” in 2015. But now he is determined to make a good career as a singer.

The music and the lyrics of “Caliente” are done by Spejko himself. The arrangement is by Ivan Jovanov Iwayo.

The video was directed by Dario Jankovic General.

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Главна цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019 г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.


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Начало: 08.12.2021 г.

Край: 08.03.2022 г.