Sebastian Popovic and the true love - Balkanika

Sebastian Popovic and the true love

Written by on 17.02.2021

Sebastian Popovic and the true love

A new song is coming from the Croatian singer-songwriter Sebastian Popovic. After the successful autumn single “Etanol”, which talks about crazy maturation, the theme of the new song “Normal”, is that life is in the happy love.

“I imagined true, pure love that always comes to us unexpectedly. It doesn’t matter if it’s the feelings I wish to happen to me or I’m already experiencing it. That’s how and the video was created and filmed.”, said Sebastian.

“Because of love, we always do crazy things. In your twenties you may run away from home, in your thirties you will go halfway around the world for one kiss, in your fifties you will do something ‘abnormal’ again. Everything for love!”, points out Sebastian, who still remembers the first love that is said to be fatal.

At a time when trends are dictated to us by social networks which, in addition to all the good things, bring with them many temptations, there are more and more forbidden flirtations that start right there.

“I live under the rule that I will never watch or check what a girl likes on social networks, who she follows, who she accompanies because that information just tires. I don’t like it when they check on me either. I build a relationship on trust because if someone wants to cheat on you, you can’t stop it. And without stalking on social networks, you feel a change in the person you are in a relationship with”, points out Sebastian, who positively colored the song “Normal” whose verses “relax, let the world turn, it’s just ok for the two of us” can easily connect with the time of the pandemic which has been going on for a year.

“Two more singles will be released this year, and I hope to complete the album. I started learning to play the piano because I want to improve further. All the songs so far I’ve created on guitar. At first I just wanted to sing, and then I realized I feel good when I do the whole song. True, it took me a month for the first lyrics, but it’s all a matter of inspiration and regular work on yourself, whatever you decide to dedicate yourself to in your life.”, concluded Popovic.

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