Rita Ora and Imanbek present a joint EP album and a short film shot in Bulgaria - Balkanika

Rita Ora and Imanbek present a joint EP album and a short film shot in Bulgaria

Written by on 13.02.2021

Rita Ora and Imanbek present a joint EP album and a short film shot in Bulgaria

The Grammy-nominated Kazakh DJ and music producer Imanbek and the world superstar Rita Ora present their conscientious mini album, “Bang”, which is released in Bulgaria by Virginia Records / Effective Records.

Created and produced in the Zoom video chat app featuring artists from around the world, this project is a definition of international collaboration.

“When we launched the album, the idea was to develop a creative relationship with other artists.”, says Rita. “Working with Imanbek was a unique experience, we met at Zoom and discussed our musical ideas. We also had to provide translators, so we literally had to adapt to a whole new recording rhythm. Music is truly a universal language, and this EP is proof that the creative process has the power to overcome any obstacle that divides us. “

“Bang” is a stellar collection of songs and a mix of modern pop, club culture from the 80’s and 90’s and a captivating dance house. All tracks are co-written with Imanbek, the 1st Eastern European producer to enter the Billboard Hot 100 Top 5, and Rita Ora, who holds the record for most singles of a British female artist in the Top 10 in the UK – a total of 13 .

The EP album is accompanied by a short audio-visual film. The shots were taken in Bulgaria, and Rita Ora is dressed in Bulgarian folk costume.

Imanbek: “This is a joint project on a global level with some of my favorite artists and producers. It was a real pleasure to work together in such a creative way. This album brought us together not only as artists, but also as people. ”

The leading single from the EP album with 4 tracks is the song “Big”, in which pop, dance and hip-hop come to life in one, and Imanbek and Rita are joined by the king of club music and Grammy winner – David Guetta, as well as Gunna’s exceptional talent.

“It was a pleasure to finally work with Rita on the song ‘Big'”, said David Guetta. “We worked hard on the song, and with Gunna it turned out even better! In terms of production – working with Imanbek was flawless. They are all incredibly talented and I am very happy to be part of this unique collaboration. We are very excited to be able to share this project with the whole world! ”

“Big” precedes the song “Bang Bang”, which captivates the listener with hints of euphoria. The song “Mood” featuring Argentine rapper KHEA is just as exciting with protruding rhythms and funk instrumentals.

“I am happy and grateful to have had the chance to share my music with such a great artist as Rita. I’m in love with the song and I hope people will like it too. ”- KHEA

In the fourth and final track of the album, “The One”, Imanbek combines bombastic pop with trap and house. It is a recipe for club fame with the dance elements in it and the bass lines that unscrupulously take the listener to the dance floor.

Bang EP tracklist

1. Big (feat. Gunna) – Rita Ora, David Guetta, Imanbek

2. Bang Bang – Rita Ora, Imanbek

3. Mood (feat. Khea) – Rita Ora, Imanbek

4. The One – Rita Ora, Imanbek

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