NoA and Lea Mijatovic tell a love story - Balkanika

NoA and Lea Mijatovic tell a love story

Written by on 15.01.2019

NoA and Lea Mijatovic tell a love story


The Croatian artists NoA and Lea Mijatovic presented their collaboration “Pogled kao plamen”. The video was presented a bit earlier before the Zagreb festival which will be held on January 25th and where the two artists will take part with that very song.

The music, the lyrics and the arrangement are done by Elvis Srsen Noa and Vojan Koceic.

“The song is about love, but also and about the struggle and indecision. We wanted to show through the video the internal turmoil of two people. This is a story about the relationship between two people, who are placed in the focus of the video. And with changes in color, silhouette and contrast, we wanted to show the duality and dynamics of that relationship.”, said NoA.

The video is directed by the young Petra Orec. “Petra had the idea of making a minimalistic video and to focus only on the movements, gestures and play with the light. We entrusted her entirely and I think that what we made a video that absolutely reflects the idea of song.”, said Lea Mijatovic.


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