Mihaela Fileva challenges with a new video and messages in the song "Po-dobra Ot Men" - Balkanika

Mihaela Fileva challenges with a new video and messages in the song “Po-dobra Ot Men”

Written by on 20.04.2022

Mihaela Fileva challenges with a new video and messages in the song “Po-dobra Ot Men”

Mihaela Fileva presented the video of her author’s song ” Po-dobra Ot Men “. Graceful, beautiful and different, Mihaela tells a story in which everyone can find themselves.

The video version of ” Po-dobra Ot Men ” was created by the tandem Buddubbaz Tape Company, which with its conceptual concept won the approval of Mihaela Fileva and her producers. In the video we see Mihaela in 4 radically different visions and broadcasts, which corresponds to the suggestion of the song that everyone chooses which version of themselves to be. In the video, the beautiful singer is partnering with model David Amity.

Mihaela’s new single is included on her album “Yin and Yan”, released less than a year ago. The song quickly became one of the most listened to by the singer’s fans on digital platforms, which defined her as a future hit.

“Po-dobra Ot Men ” will soon have its own live arrangement, which will be part of the upcoming concerts of the charismatic singer. Just a few days ago, she announced the start of a national tour.

photos by Teddy Grozdanov

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