Kickbox champion knocks out Viktor Apostolovski - Balkanika

Kickbox champion knocks out Viktor Apostolovski

Written by on 19.02.2019

Kickbox champion knocks out Viktor Apostolovski


The Macedonian singer Viktor Apostolovski released his new song “Ubij me”. The song is included in his second album “Vo srceto” which he presented on February 12 when he celebrated his birthday.

The artist made the music and the lyrics and the direction of video himself. “I have to admit that this song was ready 4 years ago and since then I changed many scenarios for the video. In the end I decided to make a video that totally concedes with the lyrics although the lyrics are talking about psychological torture and in the video it is physical.”, said the singer.

In the video Viktor Apostolovski is also protagonist. The other main character is played by Viktorija Varadinova who is a kickbox champion who knocks out the singer.


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