Jan Plestenjak with a new song “Delam Se, Delam Se” - Balkanika

Jan Plestenjak with a new song “Delam Se, Delam Se”

Written by on 18.10.2022

Jan Plestenjak with a new song “Delam Se, Delam Se”

Jan Plestenjak greets the autumn with his third song of the year, “Delam Se, Delam Se”, which has a very special meaning for him. It is also accompanied by a video, in which he reveals to us the most popular corners of his native Strunjan.

“I’m not without faults, but I was your hero… at least for you, I was like that” – sings Jan Plestenjak in his new song “Delam Se, Delam Se”. Jan Plestenjak is the author of the music and lyrics of the song. He revelas that this time it’s a song that has a great meaning for him.

“No one is perfect. We all have our faults, whether we are aware of them or not. But there is always a person who sees only the good in us and embraces it. That is the person who can bring out the best in us, if only we “allow”… or to say it otherwise: we can be the best version of ourselves with them. Unfortunately, perhaps too often we pretend that we don’t care – we don’t care about everything. But the truth is far from that.”

The song is accompanied by a music video, which serves as a tribute to the native town of the artist – Strunjan, and at the same time reminds us that nature should be respected, not just admired.

“We have beautiful nature in Slovenia, unfortunately we may not be aware of it too often. I like to walk around Strunjan, I also spend my holidays in different parts of Slovenia. Nature offers a lot and it is definitely worthy of our respect. I have never understood how people walk with headphones in ears. I’m sorry they don’t enjoy the sound of wind, waves and birds singing in nature.”

In the video, the popular artist introduces us to the pearls of the coast, offers an insight into his everyday life and introduces the people he meets every day.

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