Igor Vukojevic and Zanamari with a passionate ballad - Balkanika

Igor Vukojevic and Zanamari with a passionate ballad

Written by on 18.02.2019

Igor Vukojevic and Zanamari with a passionate ballad


The Bosnian artist Igor Vukojevic collaborates with the beautiful Croatian singer Zanamari. The passionate ballad is called “Srce ne pita” and for sure will be liked by all people in love.

The music and the lyrics are done by Igor Vukojevic and the arrangement is by Alek Aleksov.

“I follow Igor Vukojevic’s career for a long time. I have also his albums because I like to listen to his music a lot. I like that he composes the music for his songs. He doesn’t follow the music trends but has his own style with distinguishing elements. Just like I do. When we met for first time he told me that estimates highly my vocal talent and is sure that the time will come to work together.”, said Zanamari.

The video is in the stylistics of an old Hollywood movie and is directed by Zanamari and her husband Mario Pericic.


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