Emilia's "Bulgari-yunatsi" club tour conquers the whole country - Balkanika

Emilia’s “Bulgari-yunatsi” club tour conquers the whole country

Written by on 07.04.2023

Emilia’s “Bulgari-yunatsi” club tour conquers the whole country

A few days ago the club tour of Emilia “Bulgari-yunatsi” started. The top star delighted her fans in Burgas with a large-scale show program, which includes specially prepared choreography from a folk ensemble.

Emilia is accompanied on stage by kukeri in traditional costumes, as well as the girls from the Fame ballet, who complement the folk star throughout the night. The surprise of the evening are the two pipers, who join the program in a particularly unconventional way on the club scene.

“Bulgari-yunatsi”  is a unique event of its kind that combines multimedia, music and choreography in one. In it, the megastar presents a selection of her greatest hits in a completely new and unprecedented format for Bulgaria.

Do not miss the next steps of the club tour “Bulgari-yunatsi” of the irresistible Emilia:

20.04.2023 in Plovdiv

29.04.2023 in Velingrad

09.06.2023 in Stara Zagora

17.06.2023 in Shumen

Watch exclusive footage from the backstage of “Bulgari – Yunatsi” on Balkanika Music Television:

April 8 (Saturday) at 19:00 EET

April 9 (Sunday) at 12:00 EET

April 12 (Wednesday) at 15:00 EET

April 14 (Friday) at 20:00 EET

Media partners of the event are Fen TV and Balkanika Music Television.

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Главна цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019 г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.


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