Dino Merlin with a new song and video - Balkanika

Dino Merlin with a new song and video

Written by on 30.10.2020

Dino Merlin with a new song and video

In the Montenegrin complex Porto Montenegro, Dino Merlin presented thevideo for the song “Mi”. This is the first single from the artist’s upcoming twelfth album.

In the video participate artists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro and North Macedonia. The director with the stage name Kukla shot the video in Porto Montenegro, a marina and nautical resort in the Bay of Kotor, which is under UNESCO protection, and the first One & Only resort in Europe, which opens in the spring of 2021.

The song is full of life, optimism, hope and faith in a better tomorrow. “”MI” announces a new time, a time in which we should be “Mi” (in translation “We”) more than ever, because only in this way can we overcome the adversities that life puts before us.”, said Dino Merlin.

With the promotion of the video and the song, Dino Merlin and Porto Montenegro started a long-term creative partnership. “Both of us want to create works that remain, promote and create new values ​​that we think similarly, so when I talk about cooperation with Porto Montenegro, I can say “Mi” (“We”) without hesitation.”, concluded Dino Merlin.

The music for Dino Merlin’s lyrics is co-written by Dino Merlin and Mahir Beathouse, while the arrangement was done by Ozan Bayrasa and Adis Sirbubalo. The video, along with the already mentioned director, was attended by a camera crew led by director of photography Lazar Bogdanovic from Belgrade, as well as a dance group led by choreographer Helena Janjusevic from Zagreb, all produced by Magaza from Sarajevo and Porto Montenegro.

Photos by: Sever Zolak & Edvin Kalic

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