Antonia with a futuristic video - Balkanika

Antonia with a futuristic video

Written by on 15.05.2019

Antonia with a futuristic video


Antonia presented her new single entitled “Touch Me”, a powerful track with English lyrics and with a futuristic music video.

The song is written by Minelli and produced by Costin Bodea and the video’s concept was a product of Alex Velea’s  and NGM Creative’s ideas. The music video was filmed by Alexandru Muresan and directed by Bogdan Paun, with whom the artist has collaborated before for ”Matame” and ”Sahara”, all produced by Loops Production.

“I feel that “Touch Me” is my best music video so far, I love it! Ever since Alex walked me through the concept, I knew it would become my favourite music video, and the boys from NGM Creative highlighted exactly what I wanted. I am extremely content not only with the video, but also with the track, it has a cool summer vibe. What I loved most is that I am playing two different roles, my alter ego”, said Antonia.

Antonia is wearing outfits from Dsquared2 and Versace, and her beauty team was formed from Cristina Craciun (styling), Ema Uta (make-up) and George Cozma (hair).

This year, for her birthday, Antonia released a touching song, sensitive and inspired from her life: “In oglinda”, written by Denis Roabes (The Motans), Antonia and Marco & Seba and produced by the latter. She is known to the Romanian public for her successful tracks that became hits like “Jameia”, “Wild Horses”, “Hurricane”, “Iubirea mea”. Her latest single, “Matame”, has almost 16 million views on YouTube and is present on radio and TV charts.


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