Alya in love? - Balkanika

Alya in love?

Written by on 17.10.2019

Alya in love?


The Slovenian star Alya presented her new video “Spet Zaljubljena”. The song is dedicated to the unconditional love. The romantic ballad has already conquered the hearts of all fans.

“The story is happening in an apartment where the couple is living and showing their love to each other. It is usually an experience that people live once in a lifetime The message I want to convey to people is simple: even if we have nothing and we lose everything, we have our unconditional love!”, said Alya.

The shooting took place in an apartment in Ljubljana.The main roles are played by Alya herself and the model Tim Gumilar. “I chose Tim Gumilar from Maribor and he was really perfect. I admit it was a lot of laughter during the shooting, because on the set we had to be very close and there are many hot scenes..”, said the singer.

“Spet Zaljubljena” and “Ili S Tobom Ili Sama” are the Slovenian and the Croatian versions of the song and both are presented with a video.


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