ALMA with a new single and international premiere - Balkanika

ALMA with a new single and international premiere

Written by on 05.06.2020

ALMA with a new single and international premiere


“Be Alright” is the title of the new single by the 16-year-old singer and composer ALMA. With her recognizable melancholy sound and soothing voice, the talented singer once again gives a sign that she and the music like each other.

ALMA’s musical career began dizzyingly in early 2019, when her debut single “Perfect” was released, followed by the hits “Don’t Know” and “Out of Control”, as well as the super interesting collaboration with Pavell & Venci Venc’- “Address”. Her three solo tracks not only topped the national music charts, found a place in the playlists of the global music channel MTV, but also received strong support in Poland, Russia, Romania, Greece, Turkey. It is not surprising that a few days ago ALMA was nominated for BG Debut and BG Performer at the Annual Music Awards of BG Radio.

ALMA created “Be Alright” while practicing piano at the school in England, where he studied since September last year. During one of her last vacations, she got together for a recording session with the Romanian hitmaker and her friend Christian Tarcea – Monoir, with whom she was in an authorial tandem from the very beginning and played an acoustic version of the song. In a few hours the two finalize the project, and while recording, they decide to add a live guitar and invite one of the best Bulgarian guitarists and ALMA guitar teacher – Stoycho Stoyanov.

The video for the song “Be Alright” brings light and nascent hope against the backdrop of a still untested ordeal. The director is Vasil Stefanov, famous for his beautiful ideas. Some of the photos take place in London, where ALMA has been living with her sister Margarita and away from her parents for the past three months, and the other – at her home in Sofia. After the announcement of the coronavirus pandemic in March, they first closed the school where ALMA studies, and a few days later canceled its flight to Bulgaria.

“Be Alright” is one of the most special songs for me. I wrote it at a time when I was discouraged to remind me that even in the darkest days, hope can creep in. It’s good to have the feeling that whatever happens, in the end everything will be fine.”, said ALMA.


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Проект: Проект № BG16RFOP002-2.089-6131 по Оперативна програма „Иновации и конкурентоспособност“ 2014-2020, процедура BG16RFOP002-2.089 „Подкрепа за малки предприятия с оборот над 500 000 лв. за преодоляване на икономическите последствия от пандемията COVID-19“.

Главна цел: Осигуряването на оперативен капитал за българските малки предприятия, реализирали оборот над 500 000 лв. за 2019 г., за справяне с последиците от пандемията COVID-19.


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Начало: 08.12.2021 г.

Край: 08.03.2022 г.